Welcome to our Blog!

Why We Started a Blog

We decided to start a blog because we wanted a place where all of our travel knowledge could live. Since we travel so often, people always ask us our tips for the places we visited and we wanted somewhere to put all the information in one, cohesive place. But we aren’t writers, we think in a visual, creative web and we want this blog to be a representation of that, whatever that is. We are both passionate about visual media (like photos & videos) and we want our blog to be a combination of content we love while also giving you our expert travel advice.

What You Can Expect

At the top of each page is a small photo gallery that gives you the vibe of the trip through our eyes. The images we chose are what it felt like to be in that place for us and our hope is that you can feel it too! In the middle there’s some of our tips in writing, and at the bottom are our travel videos. We’re sure this blog is going to grow and adapt as we come up with new content and new ideas, but it will always be us. We’re not conventional and we don’t like following the rules :P, and this blog will definitely reflect that. So take a look around and let us know what you think! We can’t wait to hear your feedback.

XO - Gabi & Shanna